People often prefer to fall asleep while watching TV, but that doesn’t always work out as planned. Sometimes the shows you end up watching turn out to be genuinely interesting and instead of slowly dozing off, you end up spending hours with your eyeballs glued to the screen. But there’s no risk of that happening when using Napflix, a video streaming service designed to be more than boring enough to put you to sleep. 东说念主们常常心爱看着电视然后缓缓投入梦幻,但这个标准并非百试百灵。巧合咱们思看一看电视匡助催眠,但却发现节目竟然是太真谛了,终末却目不邪视地看了几个小时!但若是你试一下Napflix,就会发现再无而黄雀伺蝉了。Napflix是一个特意为用户提供乏味本色,匡助用户睡觉的流媒体做事商。
The Napflix website describes the service as a “video platform where you can find the most silent and sleepy content selection to relax your brain and easily fall asleep.” Regardless of what specific type of programs you find least interesting, you’re bound to find them on Napflix. Napflix网站将其做事定位为“一个安神助眠的视频平台。用户不错在此找到最自满、最催眠的本色,以削弱大脑、温暖入眠”。不论何等败兴的节目类型,你齐能在Napflix上找到。
While browsing the selection of boring video material, you’ll find everything from from long lectures and documentaries, senseless game simulations and chess matches to static landscapes and religious rituals. 放纵望望那些败兴的视频选材,你就会发现,从长篇演讲到官方文献,从毫无风趣的模拟游戏到枯燥的象棋对弈,从静态场面到宗教典礼,无一不是视频的着手,应有尽有。
“The idea is to make entertainment boring,” said Victor Gutierrez de Tena, one of Napflix’s two co-founders. “It could be the kind of things that remind us of our childhood, like post-lunch classes and TV serials we watched after meals which just went on and on, ones where you wouldn’t lose the plot if you fell asleep” Napflix的两位连合髻起东说念主之一维克特•古铁雷斯•德•特纳说:“咱们即是要让网站的文娱本色枯燥无比。网站的本色是一些能让咱们回忆起童年的东西,另类图片五月激情比如午后课程,又大要是饭后时段的招引剧,它们播啊播,你就算是睡往常也不会错过任何情节。”
Both Gutierrez de Tena and his co-founder work in advertising, but they told AFP that the service is not part of an advertising campaign, and it is absolutely free to use, at least for now. 古铁雷斯•德•特纳和他的连合髻起东说念主齐在告白公司责任,但他们对法新社默示,Napflix并不是告白宣传举止的一部分,况兼至少现时来讲,网站是彻底免费的。
Apart from the aforementioned YouTube-sourced content, Napflix, like the infinitely more popular Netflix, features some original content of its own, only instead of catching your interest, it’s designed to make you fall asleep. 猬缩上述那些来自YouTube的本色,Napflix也有一些优秀的原创本色,就像更受迎接的网飞(Netflix)相同,独一的不同之处在于,这些本色策画出来即是为了让你疲乏,而非引起深嗜深嗜。
Its first original video is titled Subway and consisting of a rail journey between Canal St. and Coney Island in New York. I can feel a yawn coming just thinking about it. 他们的第一个原创视频叫“地铁”,本色即是纽约市内从坚尼街到康尼岛的一段铁路旅程。我光是思思就哈欠连天了。
With Napflix, you don’t have to worry about leaving the TV on all night either. After you choose the boring video you want to watch, you can set the platform’s timer to automatically shut down the footage after an allotted amount of time or turn off once the video is over. 有了Napflix,你再也无谓转头睡着后电视一夜开着了。在你遴荐了要看的枯燥视频后,你不错通过平台的定时功能,来诞生“定时停播”大要“界限后关机”。
It sounds like Napflix really is “taking siesta to the next level”. 看起来,Napflix竟然把打盹儿变得愈加速乐了。
英文着手:odditycentral 翻译:刘博学(中国日报网爱新闻iNews译者) 审校&剪辑:丹妮情趣萝莉